Eolo Perfido - Workshop di Ritratto

“Ritratto Contemporaneo” Workshop con Eolo Perfido allo Spazio 130 per ImagO 2021.

Un piacere e un’onore ospitare l’amico e maestro Eolo nel nostro studio.

“Contemporary Portrait” a Workshop with Eolo Perfido at Spazio 130 during the ImagO 2021 Photo Festvial.

It was a pleasure and an honor to host our friend and master Eolo in our studio.

ImagOrbetello www.imagorbetello.com

Eolo Perfido eoloperfido.com

FujiFilm X-T1 - FujiFilm XF 18-55 f2-8-4R LM OIS

Eolo Perfido - Ritratto Contemporaneo

La destinazione naturale dei grandi scatti è la stampa.ImagO 2021 - Eolo Perfido - Ritratto Contemporaneo: The Classics, The Creatives and The WeirdsPrinting is the natural destination for great shots.ImagO Photo Festival 2021 - Eolo Perfido - Contemporary Portrait: The Classics, The Creatives and The WeirdsImagOrbetello www.imagorbetello.comEolo Perfido eoloperfido.comCanon EOS-1Ds Mark III - EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM

La destinazione naturale dei grandi scatti è la stampa.

ImagO 2021 - Eolo Perfido - Ritratto Contemporaneo: The Classics, The Creatives and The Weirds

Printing is the natural destination for great shots.

ImagO Photo Festival 2021 - Eolo Perfido - Contemporary Portrait: The Classics, The Creatives and The Weirds

ImagOrbetello www.imagorbetello.com

Eolo Perfido eoloperfido.com

Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III - EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM